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Why straighten crooked teeth?

Benefits of straight teeth

The answer to this question may seem obvious: straight teeth look great. But it’s not the only reason people wear braces, and it’s definitely not the only advantage to a perfectly aligned smile.

Here are some other reasons why you may want to consider straightening crooked teeth:

1. Crooked teeth can be more prone to wear and tear

If your teeth are crooked you might find that they collide and rub together as you chew. This can cause premature wear, and over time your tooth’s enamel can be worn away. Excess pressure can also cause teeth to weaken and chip or fracture.

2. Protruding teeth can be more at risk of injury

If you have a crooked tooth that’s particularly pronounced it could be more prone to injury. You might find yourself knocking it during day-to-day activities like eating and drinking, and if you’re unlucky enough to suffer a trauma to your mouth it may be more susceptible to damage.

3. Straight teeth are easier to keep clean

Crowded teeth can be more difficult to brush, particularly if they are very crooked and overlap. This creates hard-to-reach areas that your toothbrush may struggle to get to. Bacteria is then able to flourish in these areas, resulting in bad breath, a build up of plaque and eventually decay.

Sensu tip: Fixed braces can also be difficult to keep clean, albeit temporarily, but orthodontic aligner treatments such as Invisalign can be removed for easy brushing and flossing.

4. Crowded teeth can affect the health of your gums

As well as impacting on the health of your teeth, dental crowding can also affect the health of your gums. Like tooth decay, gum disease can be caused by a build up of plaque and may be the result of inefficient brushing. Symptoms can include inflammation and bleeding. If left untreated gum disease can lead to gum and bone recession and even tooth loss.

Sensu tip: If your teeth are crowded and you’re finding it difficult to reach all those nooks and crannies, try investing in some interdental brushes, which you can use to gently clean in between your teeth. These are available in different sizes; your dentist will be able to advise you on the right ones for you.

5. Teeth that don’t bite together properly can make eating difficult

If your teeth don’t make contact when you bring your jaws together this can make eating problematic. If you have an open bite – front teeth that don’t bite together – it can make biting into food a challenge, while teeth that don’t bite together at the back can make chewing your food difficult or even impossible. In most cases we adapt, but this can mean putting extra pressure on other areas of your jaw.

6. Straight teeth can boost self esteem

Studies have long shown the link between orthodontic treatment and improved self esteem, and it’s something we’ve seen first-hand among our patients. Further studies have also shown that a nice smile is one of the physical traits we value most and sometimes people with straight teeth are perceived as being smarter and more successful.

7. Crowding can worsen over time

Unfortunately crowded teeth rarely improve over time. In fact the opposite usually happens. As we age, our teeth tend to move forward towards the front of the mouth where they fight for space and crowd together. Some people believe this happens as a result of our wisdom teeth erupting, but studies have found no correlation between the two events.

Sensu tip: Once you’ve had orthodontic treatment we can keep your teeth straight using fixed and/or removable retainers.

To find out more about the discreet ways we can straighten crooked teeth, come and see us for a free no-obligation consultation.

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