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Is Invisalign® right for you?

Is Invisalign right for you

Thanks to a global marketing campaign, Invisalign is one of, if not the, most popular brace around. It straightens teeth using a series of clear, removable aligners – gently guiding them into position.

Patients love how discreet it is – the transparent aligners blend in with your teeth to become almost invisible. What’s more, because it’s removable, you can continue to enjoy all your favourite foods.

Many of the patients who come to see us for a free consultation are interested in Invisalign and one thing they’re always keen to find out is if it’s right for them.

Luckily, Invisalign is great for treating a wide range of patients and problems.

Invisalign® is suitable for all ages

Age isn’t usually a factor when it comes to braces, and Invisalign is suitable for teens and adults alike. As long as your teeth are healthy (and predominantly your own) you’ll be a candidate for braces, there’s no upper age limit.

There’s even an Invisalign brace that’s been specially designed for teenagers. It features wear indicators, which help you to make sure you’re wearing your brace for long enough each day, as well as a special design that allows for the eruption of your molars.

Invisalign® can help with a wide range of orthodontic problems

Invisalign can be used to straighten a number of different orthodontic ‘problems’, more technically known as malocclusions, meaning ‘bad bite’. Here are some of the concerns that Invisalign can help with:


Teeth that are crooked, crowded and overlap.

Crowded teeth


Teeth that have gaps. A gap between two teeth is known as a diastema.

Spaced teeth


Where the top teeth excessively overlap the bottom teeth.



Where the bottom teeth overlap the top teeth


Open bite

Teeth that don’t bite together properly

Open bite

Cross bite

Where your upper teeth bite inside your lower teeth

Cross bite

Invisalign® can be suitable for patients with crowns, implants and veneers

It’s not uncommon for patients who are interested in orthodontic treatment to have already had cosmetic dental treatments such as veneers or crowns. Every case is different, but as a general rule we can still move teeth with crowns or veneers. If you have a dental implant, it’s not possible to move the implant itself, but we can move the teeth around the implant.

For a definitive answer on whether Invisalign is right for you, the best thing to do is come and see us for a free consultation* where we can discuss all your options.


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