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Five dental myths

It’s no myth that dental work can be a little scary sometimes. With so much unnecessary anxiety and stress, it’s no wonder that people have made up several myths to help or even alleviate dental issues. Sometimes, these myths become so ingrained in our culture that they blur the line between fact and fiction. Here are five common dental myths you may have fallen for yourself.

“Only the sugar in sweets, fizzy drinks, cakes and chocolate are bad for my teeth.”

Although these foods are bad for your teeth, foods containing natural sugars such as dried fruit and honey can also cause tooth decay. You should try to limit the amount of these foods in your diet, try not to have them in between meals and of course ensure that you’re brushing your teeth twice a day.

“Going to the dentist is a painful experience.”

While there may have been some truth in this many years ago, new dental technology and more conservative dental procedures have made such visits a more comfortable experience. At Sensu, we offer sedation for our nervous patients and ensure that all our treatments are of a high quality.

“Bad breath is only caused by bad hygiene.”

Poor dental hygiene can cause halitosis (bad breath). However it’s not the only thing that will leave you looking for a breath mint. There are many factors that can cause bad breath such as acid reflux, dehydration and medication.

“Brushing is bad for bleeding gums.”

It might seem logical that if your gums are bleeding, you should leave them be until they heel. However, the opposite is true as bleeding gums are a sign that plaque and food particles are accumulating along your gum line hence your gums become irritated and inflamed. In such instances you must ensure that you brush your teeth thoroughly to remove the gunk and stop the bleeding.

“Placing a paracetamol directly on your tooth will relieve pain.”

This one is an old at-home remedy and unfortunately completely false. You should never place a pain relieving tablet anywhere near a toothache, after all, you wouldn’t put one on your forehead to relieve a headache, would you? The tablet should be swallowed to stop the production of prostaglandins, these are molecules that send pain messages from the injured part of your body to your brain.

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